Главная » Файлы » ЦИТИСЭ № 1(10), 2017г. » 13.00.00 Педагогические науки

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Aleksandr  Egorychev - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of Department of social pedagogy, Faculty of social work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: chelovekcap@mail.ru

Alexander Kretinin - Chairman of "Center of Innovative Technologies and social expertise ", Moscow, e-mail: cit-sr@mail.ru

Annotation. From the point of the historical analysis the author considers problems of social education and socialization of the person of the Russian environment. There are revealed and commented social and philosophical aspects which identify features of social education and socialization of rising generation in historical formation of Rus-Russia. The author reveals components of social education (body, Soul, Spirit, conscience) in the conditions of Ancient Russia that enabled development of a Russian person in harmony with himself, the Mother Nature and clan-tribe. Harmonious development of the Russian environment and the person in it is possible only in condition of availability of the holistic integrated social educational system, when senses and values, attitudes and regulations, rules and prohibitions, rituals and traditions are expressed by all organizations of the community (a family, the ultimate authority, social groups), all the society in the whole.

Key words: social education, socialization, person of Russian environment, communal environment, national potential of spirituality, national mentality, national traditions, level of social and cultural development.




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  7. Egorychev A.M. Kul'tura russkogo mira kak uslovie rozhdeniya i razvitiya sotsial'nogo obrazovaniya // Vestnik ekonomicheskoy integratsii. 2013. - № 5-6. – S. 203-209.
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Категория: 13.00.00 Педагогические науки | Добавил: Admin | Теги: communal environment, social education, national potential of spirituality, person of Russian environment, socialization
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