Главная » Файлы » ЦИТИСЭ № 1(10), 2017г. » 13.00.00 Педагогические науки |
[ Скачать с сервера (133.5 Kb) ] | 30.01.2017, 10:19 |
Svetlana Kozlovskaya - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of theory and methodic of social work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru Yanina Shimanovskaya - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of social technologies, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: ya1873@yandex.ru Kristina Shimanovskaya - Specialist of teaching and guiding at Preparing Educational Documents Department, Russian State Social University (Moscow), e-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru Maxim Drobyshev - third-year-student, Faculty of public administration and financial control, Financial University under government of Russian Federation (Moscow), e-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru Daria Kozlovskaya - third-year-student, Faculty of public administration and financial control, Financial University under government of Russian Federation (Moscow), e-mail: snk4246270@mail.ru Annotation. In this article the authors pay attention to the problems of an elderly person`s psychology in modern conditions of society development. The appeal to the problem seems to be urgent in view of the fact that market conditions and changes in the age structure of society grows the society’s need to increase the level of social protection of elderly people. The study of these issues contributes to the psychosocial work programs that promote self-actualization of an old man. Key words: aging, elderly person psychology, older age (aging), psychological aging, psychosocial work.
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Категория: 13.00.00 Педагогические науки | | |
Просмотров: 766 | Загрузок: 40 |